Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Backstage View of the Hoganator

doc brown's train - Google Image SearchI know, that sounds dirty. But, I can't remember how to edit the title of a blog post, so it stays :-(

I get lots of emails. Most of them are nice, like "I'd like to invite you to be my friend on Headbook" which I usually ignore, because I'm kind of at my limit on friends right now. My wife's griping about how much time I spend on the phone at home. I've got a really nice Princess slimline ROTARY (telephone afficianados, go ahead and drool, losers).

As a business and industry leader, I often get emails asking for my help. For instance, recently, the son of the recently deceased former King of Nigeria, Albert Botsuanazulu reached out and asked me to help him. I can't talk about that too much right now, but Nigeria has long been a friend to the U.S., and since our President was born in Africa, I figured it would be unpatriotic not to help.

Unfortunately, I get a lot of negative criticism, too. When you have to make a lot of unpopular decisions, you get that. So, I thought I'd respond to a batch of them right here, right now.


There, that should take care of that.

You know, it's really disheartening to be trying to reinvent radio and have people accusing you of destroying it. Here I am, trying really hard to live up to the principals of my personal hero, Michael Scott of The Office, when everyone's trying to paint me as that tool David Wallace.

I am saving radio, and if you want to keep riding the radio train, well, buy a ticket and get onboard. The dining car is in the back, and there's an observation car up front. But don't stay up there too much, because that's actually more for Mark, Randal (note the one "l") and me. You'll need to stay in coach, or better yet, why don't you get to the coal bin and start shovelling, because this isn't one of those fancy nuclear flying trains like in Back to the Future III.


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